The Folsom Area Democratic Club was founded to bring together residents and friends who want to help make Folsom – and California and our nation – a more democratic place to live.
The members of our club:
- support economic, social, racial and gender equality;
- believe all citizens benefit when everyone has the basic means to succeed; and
- advocate for the government’s ability to improve people’s lives.
The 2024 election is one of the most critical Democrats have ever faced. As the opposition becomes more extreme – and its Republican leader faces incarceration – we must ensure California holds to its long-cherished Democratic and progressive values. We continue to endorse officeholders who support the rights and liberties of all Americans.
FADC members will be working to elect progressive candidates to the Folsom City Council and other local and statewide offices. Follow our Endorsements page to learn about the candidates we support.
Locally, we will continue to lead an important effort we initiated: electing City Council members by district. District representation is the only fair way to ensure every Folsom resident has an equal voice in city government. Our club’s hard work has brought us near to this goal.
As we move past Covid, FADC will hold more events and fundraisers to help elect Democrats at every level. Our club is committed to increasing our membership and expanding Democratic presence and influence in Folsom politics. Join us.
As of Feb. 15 this year, in this country, 5,000 people had died from gun violence, according to Gun Violence Archive as cited by ABC News. That’s an average of 108 deaths every day. Of that number, 178 were children or teens. And many were suicides who might not have died if a gun had not been at hand.
We know there have been more shootings in the weeks since those statistics were compiled, but these are the latest official numbers so far reported – and they’re already shocking.
The Folsom Area Democratic Club continues to work for gun safety. We actively support Moms Demand Action, a national organization fighting to protect people from gun violence. We hope that you, like us, are sick of reading about deaths from shootings, tired of shedding tears, and will support our efforts to reduce these senseless killings.
This news isn’t all that great, but we’re glad to report that California’s rate of deaths by gun violence is among the 10 lowest of the 50 states (source: GVA). One reason is that we are among only 14 states that require a permit to own a gun. It is noteworthy that NO permits are required in the 20 states with the highest number of gun deaths.
How is it a burden to require a permit to own a gun when citizens of every state routinely obtain permits for such activities as driving, parking in handicap spots, remodeling their houses, even camping in the wilderness or getting jobs, in some cases … and more?
There is so much we can do to curb gun violence. In addition to requiring permits, Moms Demand Action list background checks, educating owners about safe gun storage, disarming domestic abusers – and electing representatives who will work for gun safety.
In addition, our country must pass sensible gun laws and reduce access to weapons; regulate the sale of guns and ammunition; reduce youths’ access to guns; implement community safety plans; and so much more.
As we reported last year, this area’s gun-safety advocates are hampered by freshman congressman, Kevin Kiley, who consistently votes against gun safety legislation. NRA rates him A+.
Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to contact Congressman Kiley. Go to his website,, click on “Contact,” and work from there.
We strongly urge you to write emails or letters to your other representatives – in Congress, the Assembly, or on local councils and school boards – pressing them to enact or support gun safety laws. The life you save may be your own.
We’re off to a disastrous start in 2024, but we must work to make the rest of his year free of mass shootings and gun violence. Join FADC to help.
Pardon us please! This website is under construction. We will try to keep it updated as we work on it.